Sunday, August 3, 2008

Malaysia getting worse? *PART 2*

So this post is a tbc*to be continue* post for the part 1 as i here talk about those problem i had acknowledge as a causes or contribution on Malaysia getting once again..the next scenraio i gona talk about also involve Police.... sigh...

So this is one of the cases....just few weeks ago...if not mistaken...tht case happened on monday....and theres a heavy traffic jam in there were these few law student on the way driving to the school and sit for the exam which will seal them a lawyer license......and these ew students were driving to the exam place around 7 i think....and they were late for 2 hours due to the traffic jam...and this traffic jam was caused by the POLICE yea....they were late...and they cant take the law exam and got to retake in few years these students complained as they dont wana retake the exam...and instead of helping these students...these police refuse to take any responsibility on causing these students failure to sit for their important in conclusion....Malaysia will lose a few future top lawyer and theres a negative impression on our Mas police....anyways...pity those law students that unable to sit for the exam just cause of a road block....not worth it...totally not...

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