Thursday, August 9, 2007

What an accident

We always watched commercial about accident and always got remind don't speeding especially for those "P" drivers...and those car racing addictor...but still accident happens everyday...and recently saw one accident even worse than the rest i think...hmm...worse in the sense of PITY the driver for losing one car that worth millions....second...he got to wait for another two years to get the car...yes...his car involved in the accident is FERRARI....actually is he himself get into trouble by speeding 320+kmph and hits a pole...n picture will do the rest of the talking...

After the accident...what the drivers get ????

The answer: Nothing !!!
The man only had some bruising ( seat belt ) that's all!!
Waiting list for a new one = 2 years.

So don't speed while driving... : )

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